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Mark Amaru Pinkham

Western, Vedic and Seven Ray Astrologer

Co-Founder of & Featured Speaker on
our Sacred Sites Journeys

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Books by Mark Amaru Pinkham 

The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays

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Mark Amaru Pinkham is a professional Vedic (Hindu), Western,
and Seven Ray Astrologer with over 40 years experience.

All his readings provide a profoundly deep and spiritual interpretation of the planetary influences operating in your life.
You will learn the influence of past lifetimes on your current incarnation,
your destiny this lifetime, your special mission on Earth,
and those periods when there is potential for achieving Gnosis and God-Realization.

1) Western Astrology Readings

Natal Readings – Planetary influences throughout your life.

Transits and Progressions – Specific planetary influences occurring now.

Relationship Readings – Chart comparisons between two people.

2) Vedic Astrology Readings

Natal Readings – Planetary influences and Dasas (Cycles) throughout your life.

3) Seven Ray Astrology Readings

They incorporate both Western and Vedic Astrology to reveal general planetary influences throughout your life.
They include your Birth Ray, as well as:
- Your Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you throughout life
- Your Ray Cycles: When they begin and end.
(You will move through cycles governed by each of the 7 Rays)
- What Ray Cycle you are in now.
- The gems, mantras, and Ray Lords and Ladies that assist you
in aligning with your Birth Ray and the Ray Cycle you are currently in

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redball.gif (144 bytes) For Pricing and How to Order Your Astrology Reading visit:


For additional information contact Mark Pinkham at
or call 928 284-1429

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A Word from Some of Mark's Clients:
I found both the Vedic & Western astrology readings that you recently provided to be very valuable in helping me to better understand myself. While we have never met, it sounded like I was hearing from someone who had known me for years. You clearly bring great personal insight and do a wonderful job of personalizing the readings. I know I will listen to them over and over again to glean even more insights. P. Duke

The most beneficial aspect of the astrology reading that I received from you is the verification of my spiritual path and the nature of my character, which I had only surmised or had indications of from other sources from my spiritual studies. K. Dunstan

Mark's ability to both analyze and intuit the Vedic and Western astrological influences/charts has greatly supported my spiritual growth and understanding.  His consultations over the last 12 years are valued for seeing not only current and potential future influences, but are uncanny in looking at past actions and reactions.  His readings have been supportive through some highly confusing and transformative moments in my life. I highly recommend Mark as an astrological intuitive who will give you a refreshing life perspective, as well as offer you continued support for your life's journey. B. Garrick

Mark is a gifted astrologer.   He has been doing my charts for almost 8 years and I find his readings to be the most thorough, precise and yet easy to understand that I've ever had. I particularly like how he ties the Western and Vedic charts together to give a comprehensive evaluation of what lies ahead.   Mark also gives good, practical advice on burning questions and/or issues that I need answers to.  I highly recommend him. M. Beery

Mark, I absolutely loved the reading you gave me and I have listened to it several times. Each time I get something new out of it.  As you barely know me, I was amazed at how you described my personality and characteristics so perfectly. I was "ah-struck" by the clarity and wisdom you shared for my past and future potential in this life. My brother, I have no doubt that you are tapping into a higher consciousness to do this work. Thanks again! W. Brown

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new_spinning_button.gif (1455 bytes)For those of you on FACEBOOK, Mark has an Astrology Page.

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Check it out!

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Updated 1/23/2024
Copyright Sacred Sites Journeys 2003 - 2024